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5 days

France is found in the north of the map of Europe. France is has got 66,9 million inhabitants. The climate, although France is part of the temperate zone, it has summers that can be hot. France have Mediterranean climate and it manifested by mild and short winters and torrid summers. The capital of the France is Paris. The name of the president is  Emmanuel Macron. This place is interesting to visit because there are lot of beautiful places like Garden of  Luxembourg, that had a lot of colorfully flowers and a beautiful vegetation, Sacré Cœur, that is a big palace,Notre-Dame,Triumphal Arch that is formed by stones, Louvre,which is in the middle of a square and Tour Eiffel that is very high. All this places are in Paris.


The total price includes places to visit like Garden of Luxembourg, Sacré Coeur, Notre-Dame, Triumphal Arch, Louvre and the tour Eiffel.. It also includes two hotels, two nights in Convention Montparnasse hotel and the other two nights in Ermitage in Paris . And it also includes the return flight ticket from Barcelona to Paris with Air Company




Garden of Luxemburg: It is a garden private located in the 6th district of Paris and it's open to the public. It was created in 1612. It occupies 23 hectares decorated with parterres of flowers and sculptures. It also attracts Parisians, students and visitors from around the world.


Sacré-Cœur: It is a basilica at the top of the hill of Montmartre. The temple, it's dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that was initially conceived as a public monument to pay tribute to the memory of the French citizens who had lost their lives during the Franco-Prussian War.


Notre-Dame It is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris. It is one of the oldest French Gothic style cathedrals. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, it is in the square of Paris, in the 4th district of Paris, and surrounded by the waters of the Sena river.


Triumphal Arch: The Triumphal Arch in Paris is one of the most famous monuments of the French capital and probably the most famous triumphal arch in the world. It measures 29.19 meters high by 14.62 meters wide, while the small one measures 18.68 meters high by 8.44 meters wide.


Louvre: The Louvre Museum is the national museum of France devoted to pre-impressionist art, you can find archeology and decorative arts. It is one of the most important in the world. It is located in Paris, in the former royal palace of the Louvre.


Tour Eiffel: It is a populated iron structure, symbol of France and its capital, it is the highest structure in the city and the monument that receives the most visited entrance in the world, with 7.1 million tourists every year. With a height of 300 meters, extended later with an antenna to 324 meters. It was built in two years, two months and five days.


In restaurants always ask for "carafe d'eau", which is a jug of tap water. It's free and it's great (if you do not always try to serve yourself very expensive mineral water). The queues of the museums in Paris are endless. Buy all tickets for museums before, online. The most central stores are those: Forum des Halles, Champs-Elysées, Odéon and those of the stations of Saint Lazare and Gare de l'Est. Young Europeans up to 25 years of age, enter free in almost all the museums of Paris. Always carry identification to prove it.





Place and time: 
- From Barcelona to Paris we depart at 7:00h and arrive at 8:50h.
- From Paris to Barcelona we depart at 21:55h and arrive at 25:35h.


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